Using the TM Workbench


Starting the TM Workbench

Start the RC-WinTrans TM Workbench using one of the following commands:

the Start command in RC-WinTrans' TM Workbench menu.

the Start TM Workbench command button in the Dictionaries toolbar.

the Open with TM Workbench toolbar button in the Dictionaries view (Workspace bar).

the F8 function key.



Accessing Data from a Translation Memory

To select an existing SDL Trados translation memory file (.sdltm) or to create a new one, use the appropriate menu command in RC-WinTrans or in the TM Workbench's main menu.

The TM Workbench is used in the same manner as dictionaries that have been added to RC-WinTrans.  The TM Workbench is listed in the Dictionaries view whenever the add-on is running (Figure 1).  It is automatically enabled as both a "find reference" and "save reference," designations which enable it for use in dictionary-related operations in RC-WinTrans (described below).


Figure 1:  RC-WinTrans' Dictionaries view where the TM Workbench has been added (upon opening the TM Workbench window) and enabled for use in dictionary operations.



Finding Translations

The TM Workbench will find and deliver translations from the selected translation memory both automatically and on command.  Found translations can be easily transferred to an RC-WinTrans project, either for a single selected item or for any number of items selected at once.  The various methods for finding translations are described below.

(TM Workbench Window)
Automatic Search for an Item Currently Selected in RC-WinTrans


The TM Workbench automatically detects the source text of an item selected in RC-WinTrans (Text Table view) and lists found translations in the Found tab located in the TM Workbench window.  The translation unit with the best match value is shown in the Source and Translation edit fields.

To copy a translation found in the TM to RC-WinTrans, use the menu command (shown below) in the TM Workbench window.  Note that the text is not saved as

the translation for the item selected in RC-WinTrans- it is only copied to RC-WinTrans' Translation Edit bar.  To save the text you must press the OK button in the Translation Edit bar.

To copy and save a found translation in the RC-WinTrans project, use the Save menu command in the TM Workbench window's menu.


(TM Workbench Window)
Manual Search for an Item Currently Selected in RC-WinTrans


A manual search can be performed by entering the search text in the Source edit field at the top of the TM Workbench window and pressing the "Enter/Return" key, or by selecting the Find menu command.

To copy, or copy and save, a found text to RC-WinTrans, use one of the two command buttons described above.


Find Translation Command


RC-WinTrans' Find Translation command incorporates TM Workbench results in its search of available dictionaries and displays them (along with those from other active dictionaries) in the Translation Edit bar (Dictionary Found Results list- see Figure 2 below).  The operation is performed for whatever text is currently displayed in the Translation Edit bar's Source Text field- usually the source text for the selected item but any text may be entered there manually by the user to search for translations for other texts as well.

Execute the Find Translation command from the Dictionaries menu, from the button located in the Translation Edit bar, or simply by striking the "Return/Enter" key while this window has the focus (input cursor).


Figure 2:  The Dictionary Found Results list in RC-WinTrans' Translation Edit bar displaying the results of a find translation operation for the source text "Font Size."  The (French) translation returned by a TM (or dictionary) is selected in the list and could be used as the target text by clicking on the blue arrow shown in the row.



Use any of the translations from the Dictionary Found Results list (Figure 3) by selecting it and then clicking on the blue arrow icon that appears in the row (see Figure 3 above).  The text will be copied to the Target edit field but won't be saved as the translation until the OK button has been pressed.

See also:  "Finding Translations in Dictionaries" in the RC-WinTrans Help.


Get Translation(s) Command


RC-WinTrans' Get Translation(s) command searches a specific dictionary (including active TM system) for a translation and, if found, enters (imports) it as the target text in RC-WinTrans.  Access the Get Translation(s) command from the Dictionary/TM menu in RC-WinTrans.


Auto-Translate Command


RC-WinTrans' automatic translation function incorporates TM systems translation results in its search of available dictionaries and uses this to automatically enter (import) translations for a single selected item or for many selected items at once.  The Auto-Translate command imports translations

based on match values, or the degree of similarity between two source texts.  The text with the highest match value will be imported as the translation in RC-WinTrans.

Execute the Auto-Translate command from RC-WinTrans' Project menu or Dictionary/TM menu, by pressing the button located in the Translation Edit bar, or by using the Shift+F4 key combination.

Please refer to the RC-WinTrans Online Help for details ("Automatic Translation" topic).



Tracking the Origin of Items Translated with the TM System

Project items translated with the TM system have this information documented in the item's "Origin" history entry.  The origin information can be used to find and list these items in RC-WinTrans' Text Table view to separate them from items that have been translated manually or using another data source.

Viewing origin information:  Information about the translation text is shown in the "Origin" column (Text Table view)- the match value, TM system name ("SDL Trados") and name of the TM file (.sdltm).

Locating and listing items translated with a TM:



(In RC-WinTrans) use the Edit | Find menu commands to open the Find Text dialog box and search for the text "SDL Trados" with the option to search in the "Origin" column selected.

>>  All found items are now marked in the Text Table view with a "blue dot" marker.


Filter and List

Use the Show Marked Items Only toolbar button to isolate the found and marked items in the Text Table view.

>>  Only items that were translated using the SDL Trados TM are now listed.


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